5 Essential Skills for Line Managers in 2024

Category: Managers

  • 5 Essential Skills for Line Managers in 2024

    Revamp Your Line Management Skills: Master 5 Essential Techniques for Line Managers in 2024! Are you tired of the same old management techniques? Stay ahead of the game by taking your line management to the next level. Discover the top 5 essential techniques for line managers to master in 2024. “It’s highly likely that every…

  • Line Management Explained

    Your Guide to Line Management Line management. Just an overused word in a job description or an active approach to managing that builds productivity? Maybe a thought for today then is: what is line management? This guide to line management will give you the lowdown. When you think of breakthroughs in management processes, you may…

  • Finding and Managing External Training Companies [Updated 2019]

    External training providers are individual trainers or specialist training companies that are not connected to your organisation. These trainers are invited in to educate and develop your staff and impart new skills. External training providers are individual trainers or specialist training companies that are not connected to your organisation. These trainers are invited in to…

  • Management Development Programs

    Management Development Program Definition Your management development program guide is for directors and managers looking to develop a management training program. This 2nd Edition Guide To Management Training Programs is a useful question and answer resource for training managers, HR managers and senior management professionals. Exploring key topics it covers a wide range of common questions including: what is…

  • Team Management

    Make Your Team Shine with Team Management As a manager, you have the power to make or break a team. When managed well, your team can reach its highest potential and be successful in all its endeavours. Line Management is an essential part of this process – it’s what helps you streamline processes and create…

  • Hybrid Management Training

    Hybrid management training has become a popular solution for managers looking to enhance their team’s performance. Armed with the knowledge and tools of this versatile methodology, you can unlock your staff’s potential and uncover better strategies for achieving success. Fundamentals of Hybrid Management Training provides an overview of what it is, how it works, and…

  • Management Styles

    We’ve all met them. The manager who rarely gives praise, fails to develop their team’s skills and always wants the current task completed yesterday. Just as frustratingly, we can find ourselves in a team where tasks are rarely completed effectively, given sufficient planning and preparation time or given sufficient drive to move projects forward. What…

  • Difficult Conversations

    Having Difficult Conversations at Work Having conversations which make us feel uncomfortable is a necessary part of effective line management. The truth is that few people relish such talks but good managers don’t let their fear get the better of them. We all dread them – those conversations with colleagues which send our emotional side…

  • Employee Motivation Skills

    As a line manager, how do you motivate the individuals in your team? Motivation and Feedback For staff to become motivated, they require ongoing and consistent recognition and feedback. As a line manager, you are the representation of the working culture in your team. The environment in which team members work should be appreciative, welcoming…

  • Delegating Skills

    Developing Your Delegation Skills Delegating effectively is a core management skill, and is particularly important for successful line management.Employees across UK businesses regularly feedback that they fail to receive clear communication or support when delegated to, leaving them frustrated, demotivated and confused. The good news is that practicing effective delegation is surprisingly simple. The ability…

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